Capital Trading Management LTD (CTM) is a company that is committed to empowering small and medium sized companies to have better marketing and business development processes to ensure business sustainability and profitability. We also focus significantly on B2C projects where we contact leading executive professionals interested in training programs to help them develop a stronger competitive edge. We do this through business process improvement, knowledge management and communication training.

Our main area of focus is in the area of emerging technologies where we are passionate about helping our clients harness the full potential of their business by building value and in their markets through the way they communicate with their customer base.

We are working towards an objective for 2025 where we will use Conferences and Online Events to deliver innovative high-level content, networking and one-to-one meeting platforms that bring together key decision-makers on a truly global scale. Furthermore, we support our clients in developing their most important asset; their people. We are working on the creation of a Professional Training division which will offer a diverse and extensive range of training solutions covering both highly technical and soft-skills training, and specializing in the delivery of business language and cultural training on a globally scale.

What we are selling are consulting services where we make contact with business owners and executives to identify areas for development within their company, charity or organization and then provide the appropriate training resources to help plug the gap. We also provide consulting services to individuals who are looking for specific training needs to help them climb the corporate ladder or cross over into other market sectors.

So far our customer acquisition process has been built on building a client base through attending trade shows, expos and industry conferences where warm relationships are established with both individuals and organizations for further dialogue.


©2024, CAPITAL TRADING MANAGEMENT LTD, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N 3AX

Company Registration Number: 12890670

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